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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mandy’s (aka txmedicalfreak) Introduction

New Year’s Day, while everyone else was still asleep; I was drink my morning coffee and looking for interesting blogs on Entrecard. (I am an information junkie) While looking at the newly added Entrecard blogs, I found this blog, Kelly’s Quit Smoking Together. So, I stopped by and though WOW what a concept! My friends and relatives who smoke don’t really want to quit and the ones that have never smoked don’t really get the nicotine addiction. So, I decided to give this concept a try after all blogging is FREE.

This is not my first time trying to quit, I am a 20+ year smoker. I have tried “cold turkey”, Nicorette gum (15 years ago when it was Rx only and really nasty), the patch twice (at helped a little but, I wound up with either terrible red whelps or extreme muscle pain), Wellbutrin before the new pill came out (I could not get past less than 5 per day), hypnotherapy (this worked for almost a week) and last but not least…ear acupressure (did not work but that is another story).

I think that my failures have been because of stress or stressful situations. Even though they are technically excuses’…they are also the facts of life. Here are a few of my “excuses”; I have a autistic son, numerous health problems and my mother passed away not long ago from Breast Cancer complications.

My hope for this blog is for it to be an online support in a way OLSA (Online Smokers Anonymous)?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Online Smoker's Anonymous...I like it! We need to talk to other people that understand. I can't tell you how many times I have told my family I was going to quit... and then failed. I will not say anything this time until I have several weeks of not smoking behind me. It is nice to have all of you to talk about it with :)