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Monday, March 24, 2008

how is everyone doing so far?

I hope everyone hasn't given up on stopping smoking? Kelly did you set a stop date to just say I have had enough of this being a slave to cigarettes and be strong and over come the urge to light up? I guess it is somewhat harder to stop when someone you live with still smokes, you might feel like you are being deprived of something you enjoy doing, I really did enjoy smoking and for the longest time I really didn't want to stop in fact I told people that when they asked me why I didn't stop. I always wondered what people did with their hands all the time since they didn't smoke. Well now that I don't smoke I don't miss not holding a cigarette all the time, in fact it is actually more handy not to have to find somewhere to lay a cigarette while I am trying to do something.

I think today is the last day this month to follow the almanac but there are 3 days next month I think and I believe that the 3rd is one of them I could be wrong on that, and I know some folks think that is a lot of witch craft or star gazing but there are gazillions of old timers and some not so old timers that swear by it, and I will admit, I think there is something to it too and not only the smoking thing.

Gigi50 I guess you are still not smoking? I also noticed some withdrawals or what ever they are called but everyone I talk to in the medical field tells me that will all get better in a while. I hope so because some of it is annoying, do you notice getting up in the middle of the night almost every night, I do, from 12:00 to 2:00 every night and it is hard to get enough sleep like that and I even get night sweats some times, I guess it could be menopause..lol but really I am not sure what causes it.

Anyway, I wanted to check in with the folks on here and see how you all are doing. Good luck. Be safe.



Ghosty said...

I'll be celebrating my one year anniversary next month! whoo-hoo! I plan to have a little party, I'll be sure to keep you all posted. :D

Shelayne said...

When two people live in the same house sometimes you can help your partner stop smoking at the same time as you quit - of course a household of two people going through withdrawal symptoms can be pretty bad, but if you can cope with the strain it seems easier than trying to quit when you can still smell cigarettes in the house, and just raid your partners packets when the cravings get too bad.

Anonymous said...

One week quit and yeah.... my sleeps sooo messed up...i'm reframing it tho....loving the transition....like..."oooh i'm shaking", or "yey it's 4 a.m. and i'm wide awake"....anything just to keep me from putting a butt to my lips. It helps that my partner smokes....like when you started smoking behind your folks back/ bike sheds/ rebel...except the other way round

Unknown said...

I myself never smoke, but one of my friend is trying to stop smoking. He did a good job for the first week but then start to smoke again. I would recommend your website to him.

Anonymous said...

Ghosty , my anniversary is also next month :) cheers

Anonymous said...

I gave up for about 8 hours yesterday and then caved in again - I hate being so weak-willed :(

Anonymous said...

thise is important blog for smoking people. See how to Stop Smoking which you might be looking for. The url is:http://fastquitsmoking.googlepages.com

Anna said...

My name is Anna. I am doing a technical report for my English 114 class and my report is on how to quit smoking and how smoking effects the human body. One of the things I need to do is interview someone who is experiencing my topic. Do you mind answering some questions for my report? It’ll take about 20 minutes of your time. Thank you in advance for your time. My email address is

Anonymous said...

Stop smoking is a hard wort to do, having in mind that is really bad habit and giving it up is not just to say it.

Jason Bing said...

Hi everyone,

I find that reading blogs like this one, watching anit-smoking videoes on youtube and reading books like The Easy Way to Stop smoking, very helpful.

It has been a month for me already and I'm loving it. Last time managed 3 months and started again, this time I'm going all the way

Unknown said...

im still smoking :(

but ive managed to research about it and wrote some articles about it

for those who still struggle and find it hard plz visit my blog
konstantin.co.nr i have some great info

Preston Redlon said...

Thanks, Vernon.

I am on my second day of quitting smoking.


Anonymous said...

Great job! I am not smoking for 3 days :)

beleli2000 said...

hi im ben i start Smoking this e cigarette 8 weeks ago i buy it from www.smoke-light.com on the first 2 weeks i use High nicotine Tobacco Its Work For Me last week i go down To medium nicotine must say im 32 year old its the first time in the last 15 years, im not smoking for 2 month & its Easy :)

Anonymous said...

I have done it! with the help I found at www.greensmoke.com/EcoCigarette
I did and so can you. See for yourself.

ecigmate said...

It's all about will power, and the help of all your friends around you no matter what method you choose. I won't go into what's the best method as there is no right answer.. but i know what gives you the best chance ;)

Quit Smoking Guy said...

Its always hard to quit when someone you love or lives with still smokes but it has to be so important you can influence them also. You have to quit for your health so help your loved ones do the same.

Anonymous said...

I was a smoker earlier but not my boyfriend so one day I decided to quit smoking..That were really hard days for me but my boyfriend supported me fully..Atlast what you need to quit it is your willingness and your beloved support..I did it..

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Bobby said...

It's hard quitting something that you love to do unless you put your heart and devotion to it. I used to have a perfect smile, but smoking ruined it. I wanted to have that smile back, so I paid a visit to one of the many dentists Knoxville has. He said that after my teeth whitening treatment, I should quit smoking, or at least try to. I'm working my way to completely stopping. I haven't given up. That same Knoxville dentist was also a smoker, but he quit just so that he can inspire his patients. I hope I can do the same.

best electric cigarette said...

it has been a struggle in staying away from the tempting cigarette scent and smell.

how to quit smoking said...

I guess everybody has to do it their own way sometimes. There's just so much you can say on the psychology of quitting


how to quit smoking said...

I used to watch tv or anything to get my mind off it. sooner or later, i found it to just be a choice


laura said...

I found this great app that has helped me curb my smoking habit!

while i have not quit fully, i do feel like I am doing something special for my body by cutting back from 2 packs per day to just under a pack, the rewarding messages i get really do help in my personal and private struggle to kick the habit. I encourage all to go out and try this app for your android phone. I love it.

Follow this link the new modern way to quit smoking!to learn more information on the "I Can Quit" app follow:

https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Can-Quit/423104864382552 or https://www.facebook.com/IconosysFanPages
& to download the app follow link: http://www.apphysteria.com/startpaidappview.php?pkg=com.iconosys.icanquit

Unknown said...

I have not had a tobacco cigarette in over 2 years, and am loving it. I use an electronic cigarette that I bought from 4everecig.com and it is working great for me. I don't have to clear my throat every 10 seconds anymore, and I do not have the heavy chest. I actually run 3 miles per day now. I have not experienced the weight gain because I am still getting the nicotine. All in all I could not be happier, healthier, cheaper, and greener than real cigs.

Unknown said...

I lost my father to cigarettes and i recommend to smoke e-cigs instead of tobacco quit smoking tobacco!

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Unknown said...

Living without smoking is a very painful factor for a chain smoker. It is really very tough to abstain from smoking. I noticed it from my friend Adam L. He was a chain smoker and tried to left smoking but he couldn't. Thanks.

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