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Friday, February 1, 2008

I Have Officially Fallen Off Of The Wagon

I admit it; I have officially fallen off of the wagon. Since my last post, I have gone back up to a pack a day. I recovered from the mechanic’s bill but…my dogs are driving me crazy! I think that stress must be my trigger.
As my Texas Medical Freak readers know, I have a nurse named Odie who is a miniature American Eskimo. But, Zuzu has never made an appearance on the web. Zuzu is a 13 month old, Jack Russell Terrier and is not much of a nurse. As any JRT owners know, they can be a hand full. But, she has been really getting into trouble lately. I am starting two wonder two things…she either has retractable thumbs and/or she is really a ferret? The other day, I went to the store and I was not gone 15 minutes. When I got home, I discovered that she had got the lid off of my Excedrin Back & Body that I take for my fibromyalgia. She is fine I don’t think that she ate any of them but I still can’t find the lid! She always gets into my closet if I forget to shut the door and hides one of my shoes, not both. Then the other day we came home and she had got the lid off of a can of mixed nuts. She is driving me NUTS!
I need to get back on track with this, I really do want to quit smoking.
Wagon photo thanks to Flikr


Anonymous said...

the hardest part about quitting is reseting your brain dopamine receptors. They have been stimulated for so long that when you take away the nicotine, they are screaming for something to replace it.

It takes time

A minimum of 6 weeks to reset your dopamine receptors so they are not screaming for nicotine. Every day after that gets easier and easier.

But plan on 6 weeks of pure and utter hell. Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you can get through those six weeks with pure desire and motivation, then you will never want to experience the pain of quitting again. That will be your motivation.

Nicotine free for 2 years. and running.

Mandy said...

Anonymous ~

Thanks =) Congratulations on you not smoking for 2 years =)
